Jueves 10 Septiembre 2015
Instituciones que conforman DIPECHO evalúan los riesgos en la escuela Republica de Costa Rica, Ciudad Sandino.
Miércoles 9 Septiembre 2015
At nine in the morning the bell rings in the “Republic of Costa Rica” primary school, which is located in the southeast of the municipality of Ciudad Sandino. The bell is warning the children to immediately evacuate their classrooms following the established evacuation routes and make their way to the designated safety areas.
This exercise, which simulates an earthquake situation, is testing out the school’s capacity to protect and safeguard the lives of the children who study there. One of the greatest risks in this school is a wall that is over ten meters high, which was built by a private company to guarantee the safety of the school’s assets. However, it also represents a latent threat for the children as there are signs that cracks are appearing in its structure.
Miércoles 9 Septiembre 2015
Three entrepreneurs from El Cúa top 300 groups at the Latin American level
Miércoles 9 Septiembre 2015
Over 250 children raised their voices to demand more actions to reduce preventable child deaths by 2030
Viernes 27 Marzo 2015
Más de 250 niñas y niños elevaron su voz en demanda de mayores acciones que disminuyan las muertes infantiles prevenibles al 2030